Soul Star Healing-Channeled Healing for you! – BDevineonline

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Soul Star Healing-Channeled Healing for you!
Soul Star Healing-Channeled Healing for you!
Soul Star Healing-Channeled Healing for you!


Soul Star Healing-Channeled Healing for you!

Regular price $899.00
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Welcome to a new experience in claiming your own Devine Healing!

Now you can bring in the energy of the higher realms and ancient knowledge together, to awaken your true healing and Soul Path!

Unlock the true potential of your healing journey with Soul Star Healing. Connect with the energy of the higher realms and channel ancient knowledge to awaken your soul's path. This powerful and guided healing combines channeled techniques and higher dimensional energies, including the Angelic realms and ancient deities. Experience transformation and activate your connection with Source energy. This exclusive healing is unlike any other and will bring healing on all levels.

Using channeled techniques with higher dimensional healing energies, as well as the Angelic realms,ancient Gods and Goddesses of time, and your own spirit guides and animal totems, this powerful and guided healing, will transform your life and bring healing on all levels, as well as activating your own abilities and connections with Source energy.

The power of the ancient civilizations, and other worlds come together, with this unique type of healing, which is like no other. It does not matter what other healing you have had in the past, this still works with you for your highest potentials and divine plan.

You will be working with the energies who oversee you as a soul, and some others you may not have heard of and also the "Lords of Karma" who will break the chains o the past holding you back from your true path.

This interactive healing will activate:

*Healing Codes & Wisdom within you
*Accelerate your spiritual path
*Get in touch with higher energies
*Re calibrate your DNA
*Bring forward your true path
*Open ALL 12 Chakras, and energy portals
*Create strong abundance
*Heal from physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual trauma
*Invigorate Your Senses
*Relief From Stress, Depression and physical pain
*Release From Karmic Energies and Contracts
*Full Bodied healing and awakening
*Create new pathways of abundance
*Release negative curses, spells, or evil and discordant beings
*Open your creative talent
*Find your true self and activate the energy
*Open your heart and heal for true love, soul mate, twin flame to enter

Healing Sessions Include ALL Of The Above &:

*Healing Consultation with BDevine® & Initial Activations-1.5 Hour Phone Call
*set up distant healing for 4 extra sessions-These pinpoint and target the areas that you need healing on and allow you to receive healing downloads.

I have been working on my own healing ,modalities, since I first started learning about energy,over 34 years ago now. Tapping into my own knowledge of the divine, and also the ancient ways of healing, (which are extremely powerful) I have been able to create a method that works with you, and activates that which you have inside of you, and strengthen your connection to source, like never before.

This is extremely powerful energy, working with ancient deities,so be prepared for major transformation.

This healing is NOT for those who expect someone else to do all the work for you.

This is interactive on both of our parts, and we must remain in a positive frame of mind. Your self talk will be paramount in how the healing unfolds, therefore we will discuss our healing plan i details, before we begin.

ALL HEALING IS SELF HEALING therefore, you need to remember to be positive, and work with the energy and information that you will be given, as part of your healing plan.

The energies that are aligned with you, and who you are aware of as a soul, are the ones who will predominantly be working with you. We will also call on ancient energies of the earth, as well as the LORDS OF KARMA< and many many other beings of light, working to balance you body, mind and spirit.

We will open your own portal to the Divine Gateway, and Galactic Gateway and work with all 12 Chakras, which will be key to manifesting, connecting and working with the Universal beings of light.

These powerful energies will clear away anything in your path, and enlighten your soul and pathway forward.

Especially good for those who are in severe pain and trauma or who feel they have been severely attacked energetically, or who feel cursed or have others sending negative and evil energy towards you. You will be free, once and for all!

Become an accredited  Tarot reader or start your healing journey with me at my “Light Leaders Academy”! Here-



Healing The Healer-

Manifesting Abundance-

The Destiny Code-Part 1 & 2- 

What you may experience from "Intensive Healing Energy" with BDevine®.

Typical symptoms from healing can vary from person to person, but at any time you may experience one or some of the following:

  • Tiredness * Body Aches and pains *Flu-Like symptoms * Stomach aches *Change in digestion patterns * Headaches * Ear "buzzing"

  • * Aching Joints * Extra Thirst * Increased or decreased appetite * Mood changes *

These are just some of the symptoms-but it is important to note, that they may come and go over the 6 week period,

and as different things are healing within you, but should not last more than 48 hours. Anything longer than this, or if you are concerned

in any way,

always see your medical professional.

You will be encouraged and advised to drink a LOT of water as your energy changes and to flush any toxins away.

It will be wise to really "listen to your body" and follow it's strong guidance. If you are tired, rest! If you are hungry eat! And so on.

Throughout the healing process, I will be updating you via email as to what I've been working on, and what "symptoms" you may get from this.

Also, I will give you insight into areas of "blockage" within the body, which needs to be removed by your emotions.

I will be able to pinpoint what these emotions are, and also how you can clear this type of programming.

It will be very important for you to share as much as possible about yourself and your family history, as this is VERY important

to understand how things are effecting you, and that it may be attributed to family and the generations past.

You can expect to go through massive changes on every level, if you are willing to put the advice into action, and see yourself as being

the biggest part of your healing success.

I will guide you all the way through, and also assist you in being able to maintain your healing, for your highest good.

Looking forward to beginning a wonderful healing journey with you!

I do not in any way claim to be the one who is healing you. However I am facilitating in the best way possible, and working with the divine,

to bring your soul into alignment with your higher truth, and your own natural healing abilities, as well as all other abilities within you,

begin to unfold as a bonus!


Blessings and healing love







*Not a substitute for medicine or seeing your Dr. Please ensure that whilst you are on this program, you still meet your medical appointments,

and do not take yourself off of any medication. You are undertaking distance healing of your own free will, and the suggestions and advice are to

be a guide for you only. Your healing success is your own responsibility, and BDevine® or DevineMiracles® take no responsibility for your

long term health or any issues. Once you have purchased your Intensive healing program, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.

Check with the Dr after your healing to be re-evaluated.*